New Wizard Features in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: D&D Reviews

The wizard features in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything do one major thing for the wizard. They make them even more versatile than they were before.

Since the wizard features in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything provide more versatility, it empowers the wizard further than ever before. Wizards are already the kings of versatility, but to give more options on how you want to play is maddening.

These options allow you to play almost every variation of wizard you could want. You now have an astounding amount of subclasses, so enjoy your new options! Almost everything here is a great alternative for a wizard.

Wizard Optional Class Features

Extra Spells:

Normally extra spells just provide options that are nice, but these spells really allow for different playstyles. For example, if you didn’t get these new cantrips, you might have a difficult time playing a Bladesinger. These new spells also make different schools more viable. Far more conjuration and divination spells give you almost infinite potential as a wizard.

Cantrip Formulas:

Normally, most classes can change out cantrips or fighting styles every four levels. You as a wizard can change out any cantrip after a long rest. This is extremely powerful and allows the wizard to be the most versatile caster without debate. Being able to prepare for when the party is going into a volcano by changing firebolt to ray of frost is amazing! There are so many more instances where this can be helpful, and I cannot overstate how good this optional feature is.

Arcane Traditions

You gain two new arcane traditions that are both extremely good when used well. Most of the community is excited about theBladesinger, but there is a lot that needs to be considered with this tradition.

Before we get into the specifics of the Bladesinger abilities, there are some problems to consider. You have almost no health so spells, area affects, or lucky hits will almost always kill you. In addition, you need max or close to max stats to make a Bladesinger really work. Without these, the Bladesinger is much weaker than most think. If you can pull it off though, then you will have a lot of fun!

Order of the Scribe is a true generalist. If you aren’t interested in specializing in one school but want to instead learn as much as possible, then this tradition is for you. Order of the Scribe is extremely strong, but it is not for everyone since it doesn’t have specialized abilities that affect all magic from a single school.


Training in War and Song:

You gain light armor proficiency and proficiency with a single one-handed martial weapon of your choice. Lastly, you gain performance as a flavor feature. The light armor and martial weapon proficiency make you able to stand on your own and not die while feebly striking enemies in melee.


As a bonus action, for one minute you get:

  • AC equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
  • Your walking speed increased by 10 feet.
  • Advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
  • A bonus to any Constitution saving throw you make to maintain your concentration on a spell that equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

This feature can be used as many times as your proficiency bonus per long rest, and is the main feature of the Bladesinger. Gaining that bonus to your AC helps you survive. Without it, you are much easier to hit. Your AC can definitely surpass 20 with this ability which is absolutely insane for a wizard. Just be careful of area effect damage.

Extra Attack:

This ability gives you more than just an extra attack. Instead, you can attack once and then cast a cantrip. Since cantrips scale with level, you might deal more damage than a fighter.

Song of Defense:

In Bladesong, you can use your reaction to expend spells slots to reduce the damage by 5 per spell level. For example, if you are hit for 15 damage you can spend a 3rd level spell slot to reduce the damage by 15. This helps you live, but at the cost of spell slots. Even if you consider this to be a good ability, you get it at level 10 which is quite awhile to wait. And even when you get this ability, it is not going to be everything that you need.

Song of Victory:

While in Bladesong, you can add your intelligence modifier to your weapon damage. This is a nice addition, but having to wait until level 14 isn’t the best. As far as level 14 abilities go, there are definitely better ones out there.

Order of Scribes

Wizardly Quill:

As a bonus action you create a cool quill that has the following features:

  • The quill doesn’t require ink, but produces it in the color of your choice.
  • If you use the quill for transcription, the time you must spend to copy a spell into your spellbook equals 2 minutes per spell level.
  • As a bonus action, you can erase anything you write with the quill by waving the feather over the text, as long as the text is within 5 feet of you.

This is a cool little flavor feature, but it doesn’t do much mechanically to change the game or what you can do.

Awakened Spellbook:

Your book is special. It has these properties:

  • This spellbook can be an arcane focus.
  • You can conditionally change the damage types of your spells. A spell can use the damage type of another spell at that spell level. For example, Chromatic Orb can be changed to force damage if you have a force damage spell at that same level.
  • Once per long rest you can cast a ritual spell without adding 10 minutes to the cast time.

The damage versatility of this feature is amazing. Now Fireball is always useful! The ritual spell feature can come in handy far more than you might anticipate.

Manifest Mind:

Once per long rest (or if you expend further spell slots) you can manifest a tiny spectral visage of your tome. This tome must be conjured within 60 ft of you and can move 30 ft as a bonus action up to 300 ft from you. The tome has dark vision, can see/hear up to 60 ft, and shares these faculties with you for free. Lastly, you can start your spell range from the tome if you wish.

This is an interesting feature that can do a lot if you are creative. Not amazingly powerful, but a pretty good 6th level ability.

Master Scrivener:

When you finish a long rest you may create a spell scroll with a 1st or 2nd level spell. The spell is created one level higher, and only you can read this scroll. Lastly, you are adept at crafting scrolls as per the DMG. When using your Wizardly Quill, spell scroll creation costs half as much gold and takes half as much time.

This feature gives more options, more versatility, and just allows you to become a jack of all trades wizard with 15 different scrolls at the ready. I have done this in past editions and it can be quite effective.

One with the Word:

While you have your Awakened Spellbook you have advantage on all arcana checks. Additionally, as a reaction, you can negate all damage at the cost of 3d6 levels of spells vanishing from the book for 1d6 long rests. For example, if you rolled 4 on 3d6 you can choose to lose Fireball and Identify (3+1=4). You now cannot use those spells for 1d6 long rests as they have vanished from your book. You can use this ability once per long rest.

If you are truly a generalist, you might have some spells that you won’t miss. You have collected every spell in the world and become an addict for knowledge. If this is the case, this is a great feature. It completely depends on the number of spells collected to determine if One with the Word is good for you.


The wizard features in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything provide more options to you. The extra spells allow you to play a Bladesinger effectively. The cantrip change at the beginning of a long rest is one of the most amazing features presented. Having an effective ability in any situation is invaluable.

The Bladesinger and Order of the Scribe traditions are very powerful. The Bladesinger tradition can be easily countered, or it becomes an extremely strong class. Just put almost all your ability score increases into stats, have great starting stats, and be warry of low health. Lastly, the Order of the Scribe is the true generalist of 5e and presents a playstyle befitting a wizard addicted to knowledge.

I hope that this has helped you understand what Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything offers the wizard. If you are interested in a general overview of Tasha’s, then check out our review on Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

This has been Wizo, and keep rolling!

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